Dear UCU member,
This is a reminder about the following session on promoting fair policies around parental leave and part-time workers taking place tomorrow:
"You are all invited to attend a session on 'Promoting Fair Policies Around Parental Leave and Part time Workers.'
This session will take place 3-5pm on Thursday 5 December in room CCE1 - 024.
This session aims to explore the challenges faced by new parents taking parental leave and those who work part time. Sue Turner, Tony Storey and Mark Gatto from The Faculty of Business and Law will explore their personal experiences as parents and part time workers. Mark Gatto will then present a paper for discussion: 'Parenthood: A dystopia in the workplace', which includes a manifesto of five parental demands inspired by subversion in the novel 'The Children of Men' by PD James. Ultimately this workshop will aim to facilitate a discussion as to how staff can construct their own ideas as to how parental leave policies, guidelines and workplace culture can change for the better.
We look forward to seeing you there. Refreshments will be served.
Thanks again
Frances Hamilton
Senior Lecturer in Law
Northumbria University"
Your UCU Northumbria excecutive